Mentoring/ Befriending for Sustainable Development - Project
Why Connect Education for Sustainable Development with Mentoring/Befriending?
Affinity to the Topic: One can easily take up the topic since it already plays a relevant role in many mentorings/befriendings
Common Ground of Ideas: Mentorships themselves are similar to the philosophy of sustainable development, because one cares about a child unknown to oneself and supports the upcoming
generation. Therewith, hopes and expectations are connected with this generation, such as care and support when growing old.
Informal Learning: The approach of building mentorships is very suited to playfully approach the topic within the context of informal learning. Like this, not only the child
will learn something, but also the grown-up mentor. Thus, it is important that mentoring/befriending-programmes are able to communicate clearly. They have to show how much
potential this specific learning form “learning within a tandem” has when it comes to future lifestyles and education.
Funding Strategy: One further motivation for our Berlin network was to get funding. Like that, we could organize activities that crossed the boundaries of the single mentoring
Key Facts about our Project
Running period: From October 2012 - September 2013 (the active project period for theTandems was from mid-January until mid-June 2013)
Supported by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) with 34,500 EUR within the context of a competition funding
Participation of 40 Tandems from 8 different mentoring/befriending-programmes (1 mentor and 1 mentee form a tandem)
160 Euros for activities for each tandem for a period of six months