The European Mentoring & Befriending Exchange Programme arises from the need of mentoring & befriending coordinators to exchange their knowledge and experiences across Europe in order to increase the quality of their work, generate new ideas and find solutions to common problems. It is made possible by the Grundtvig Lifelong learning Programme.
The programmes website is
The project was coordinated by Stefania Benedicti. We could win the studied European scientist for this demanding task. Without her linguistic and organizational talents, the project would not have been feasible. Since 2014 Stefania is an honorary member of the Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften e.V.. Meanwhile Stefania Benedicti lives and works again in Italy.
The picture shows Stefania Benedicti receiving the membership certificate through the board members Florian Stenzel and Ricarda Weller in Salerno/Italy (October 2014).
Befriending Networks exists to support organisations across the UK and beyond who operate befriending services to people who are socially excluded in some way.
We now have more than 200 member organisations across the UK and beyond.
There are 16 regional Caritas Organizations within Switzerland that are partly independent and focus on local initiatives. Mainly to fight poverty within Switzerland.
7 of these regional Organisations are running the mentoring program «mit mir». Caritas Switzerland is handling the coordination of the regional initiatives, but is not running a mentoring program by its own. This is the work done by the regional Organisations.
The Association’s mission is expressed through its own educational Programs based on the one-to-one method created by Matilda Raffa Cuomo which aims to resolve the worrying and widespread phenomena of school drop outs which is the cause of so many social problems such as bullying, babygangs, hooliganism, petty crimes, drug addiction, etc.
Scottish Mentoring Network (SMN) is a membership organisation providing advice, guidance, support and training to a wide range of mentoring projects in Scotland at both a national and local level. Our members support many different service users to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.